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Sunday, March 30, 2008
10:16 AM

hahaha joanna thanks for sharing the videos! poor matsujun! lol! oh man that 3:04 kungfu pose is priceless. LOL ikuta toma kept doing that backward move until the trampoline and funny that he stoned there in that weird position for a while -.-" nino was really impressive. and the guy after him is so cool and funny lol! i love his moves the best, kungfu cries rock man

anyways kanzy, mingchong, valencia, huishan and i are running for council!
(ps if i missed anyone out) whoa that's quite alot. haha. it'd be cool if we could all get in... biqi will be so proud of us :D

sorry if you've watched this before! waterbed prank:


Thursday, March 27, 2008
11:25 PM

another random video (: the boys are supposed to follow the routine the zai guy in the green leotard did, but it gets super hilarious (:

Johnny's Gym Practice


11:02 PM

og outing on wednesday was fun (: haha if you can even call it an og outing man. only 6 ppl went to watch the movie. its damn pathetic la! poor eileen had to beg dunno how many ppl the night before, and in the end only 6 ppl went =/ but anyway, the movie was nice! quite plotless, but the dancing is like damn zai T.T haha you all shd be glad me and jon dun mind watching a second time okay! or else this outing would only have had 4 ppl xP anyway, after the movie we went to kfc to sit and talk crap, while eileen ate her very late lunch, haha, and yuqin joined us. even though we didn't do anything after that, but it was still fun to just sit there and um, gossip about ppl xD we also tried playing truth or dare again, with ym's phone, but it failed miserably, lol. oh and yiyi's 'kidnapping' was damn hilarious, hahaha, go ask him to tell you what happened.

sigh, we really need to have an og outing where everyone can come. even in the mornings nowdays very few ppl come ): always only got like 2 or 3 of us there, until 7 plus then maybe 1 or 2 more ppl join us. i guess it can't be helped? talked to niang for abit today, i guess everyone is busy with their own stuff every morning, and not to mention, our og got quite alot of ppl running for council etc. busybusybusy. oh well. hopefully we can have an outing sometime where majority of the ppl can make it lor (:

okay everyone is posting jokes and random funny stuff, but i dun really have anything, so i'm just going to share this video. its some jap ski resort prank, and its really old already la, so i think alot of u have probably already watched it? >< sorry if u've watched it before.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008
10:04 PM

wahahaha today went to watch step-up 2! :D heh seriously the storyline is quite.. normal. but at least the dancing is nice (enuff to make joanna wow the dancing and jon to doze off during the movie -.- haha not bad considering they are watching it the second time o.o rich ppl. argh) heh then after that we just went to kfc (while 6 ppl watch me eat fish-ole :D talk bout being dua pai~ ^^) to stone and tok! wahahaha gossiped quite a bit though i got a bit stoned near the end >< haha sorrie guys!

haizzzz how how how how tmr got ballet exam T.T AHHHHHHHHHHHH after 3 yrs of not having exam its actually pretty scary -.- esp since the tcher said its very easy to fail grade 6. argh. stressed. dying. so i decided to skip school tmr :D yayyyyy~ only gd thing bout the exam i guess ><
wahahaha picked this up from oac seniors' blog :D lol

8:00 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
10:24 PM

YOOOO OGtwentynineeeee ( :

lovee, VAL(encia)

p.s. this is size 29 font and in colour orange! (A NICE COLOUR)

Saturday, March 22, 2008
10:43 PM

yeah man koizora rox la!~ :D haha the storyline is a bit typical (SPOILERS WARNING: what with the gang rape, pregnancy, roll-down-stairs-then-lose-baby thingy, main character dying , etc.etc.)but the whole thing's still soooooper sweet la~ argh though u kinda see couples lying on each other shoulders and stuffs o.o and i realised i was sitting beside kanzy. ARGH. (ooooops sorrie kanzy :D )

heh anywae here's where i sincerely and truly apologise to all that came for the "movie" T.T (esp since i asked most of them :( ) haizzzz guess most of u are super sian diao4 since like came all the way for nothing T.T eeeeeeks >< (heh at least we finally got to talk at macs? coz it seems like a really really really long time since we last have a proper talk O.o and prob coz of the movie i was quite high too :D wahahahahahaha )

haizzz joanna beat me to the jokes T.T and i seriously swear the ring already looks too big for hte gurl at the very start. like got a big hole la no wonder the ring fall off -.- (lesson learnt guys: get the right size RING!)

haha these few days have been crazy... thurs went for kbox, fri went for movie, sat went to vivo, sun going to have birthday dinner o.o argh my econs test is so screwed.. haizzzz at least it was one of the fun-est weak since god-knows-when!! :D yeah man og shld really have a kbox outing sometime ^^ (ooooops ignore my suggestion lest the outing turned out like shit again T.T ) haizzzzzz

a guilty eileen T.T

12:44 AM

okay i just got home awhile ago, super tired now, haha. anyway, once again, SORRY SORRY SORRY to those of you who me and eileen dragged out for nothing =/ sorry if you all felt like you wasted your time. we feel super guilty la ><

original plan was to meet at 4, play pool for one hour, then watch the 5.20 show. but in the end alot of us were late, so decided not to play. then later on cos ppl can't make it for the 5.20 one, we decided to watch at cine at 6.10. AND THEN after stoning/eating til arnd 6, we found that the tickets for the 6.10 show were SOLD OUT DDD: wtf. went to play pool after that (the guys played la, me and eileen just stood at the side and watched, haha), and then crapped at macs for awhile, which was amusing :D, before me eileen and kanzy went to watch koizora at 8.45 (:

SPOILERS AHEAD. those who haven't watch yet don't read.

the movie is damn nice T.T eileen was crying away beside me, lol. haha pohting we didnt sit with any super-emotional ppl, but instead we got stuck with this group of ppl behind us who kept laughing at really inappropriate parts. like, at parts that were supposed to be sad they were laughing away like crazy. they spoil the whole atmosphere, then i dun feel like crying anymore when i watch alr, haha. and they make very random comments. at the part where mika (the female lead) met saki, the evil bitchy ex-gf, at the hospital, and saki was pregnant, they were like, 'KICK HER BABY LA.' lol. cos saki was the one who caused mika's miscarriage last time. and walao, when the guy was slipping the ring onto mika's finger right, which is supposed to be a kinda sweet moment, eileen JUST HAD TO comment that 'the ring too big already'. super random -.- and then when the ring flew off her finger later on in the movie, which is supposed to be sad, eileen AGAIN, had to say smth like 'told u the ring was too big.' walao eh. qian4 bian3!

hahaha. the funny part was after the movie. 'i feel like going to dye my hair white too.'
'go and dye la.'
we all realized at the same time that it sounded like 'go and die la.'
'my dad will be damn pissed la.'
'your dad will be pissed if you dye?'
'i think i will wait til holidays.'
'wait til holidays then you dye ah?'
lol. retarded.

okay i think i'll end off here. once again, sorry to those who got dragged out of the house for the movie but didnt get to watch in the end >< paiseh paiseh paiseh.


12:16 AM

omg, today's outing is so fun!

i reached at around 4:05pm, at first i tot i was late, but in the end, i'm still the second, lol, i saw 11 when i just came out of the gate, then we sat against the wall, i started mugging for physics test and 11 started reading...

after a while, the rest started to arrive, and we continued stoning, reading, mugging until around roughly 5:10pm, then we walked to cine to have dinner

after after dinner, joanna n eileen went to buy tickets, and... SURPIRSE! ticket for 6:10pm sold out, lol, it's super sian, and as we don't want to just come out for dinner and go home, we went paradiz to play pool

it's our first og pool session, i realized it's quite fun playing on small table also, lol


One night at the dinner table, the wife commented, "When we were first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the larger. Now you take the large one and leave me the smaller. You don't love me any more..."

"Nonsense, darling," replied the husband, "you just cook better now."


Thursday, March 20, 2008
5:34 PM

Hey you all

we're planning to watch koizora aka sky of love tmr! if i'm not wrong, so far those going are me, eileen, valencia, yj, yiyi, yuyu, jon, karlton(?) and kanzy(?). anyone else who is free tmr and who haven't watched it yet/want to watch it again, JOIN US LEH.

anw, i went to check movie timings for tmr le. val u're not free in the morning right? if we're watching at cine, there's a show at 1.35pm, dunno whether u can make it anot. and then the next show is at 6.10pm, which is kinda late =/ if we watch at the cathay there's a show at 5.20pm though. which timing do you all prefer?

oh and, are we going to watch step up 2 next wed? ><


12:09 AM

yeah, wonderful birthday celebration!


today, i missed my bus, and reached at around 0640h, when i reached the canteen, joanna was like stoning there alone, luckily got me come as early, lol

then, after stoning together for a while, sheila called joanna and asked her to go the house to take the stuff, since it's only a 5min walk to just outside the school gate, and so, we went together, and we saw the big black dog (forgot the name, haha), and we were commenting that if yuqin was here, she would be like...

so we grabbed the stuffs and walked back to canteen, then i was like carrying the cake without any box or any cover, like a waiter serving food style of carrying, it's super weird, lol

when walking to the canteen, i commented, "if valerie sees us, then we die", and sheila said she can use her big stack of files to cover me, lol, then i also commented that she can left the files at home, and if need to take, just tell the tutor that she needs to visit and toilet, and can go home take, lol


and so, we celebrated the birthday by singing songs and eating cake, afterwhich, yuqin volunteered to help wash the forks, and hwee yanne help get a box to 打包 the leftover cake, for valerie to bring back class and eat,

and then, the bell rang, which means, our timing is almost perfect, lol


photos time!

isn't it amazing how everyone manage to position themselves to get into the shot?


really need to brush up my crapping skills again, to be able to post more, so in the meantime, help by posting!



Wednesday, March 19, 2008
9:58 PM

Eh sry OG29, i din wake up early enuff to celebrate Valerie's bdae with u guys. =(

Can some 好心人 pls update me on wad happened? Was it fun?

Hmm, Val, i hope u like my present. Its definitely not the biggest among all u recieved but hey! Its from someone hu promised u a present long AGO!!!! LOL

Eh organise more OG dinner/mugging session/OUTING leh. pl0x, i beg u all!

Some highlights of the OG dinner ytd:

Yiyi n i was toking abt 29 years later muz haf OG outing... with all the kids and wives/hubbies. So everyone, on?

We shopped for Valerie's bdae present*** n cake at coro (a bit last min). Ate at serene centre mac. Not to 4get, we played SNAP JACK (is dat how u spell it?). Haha yuqin u got super duper sharp nails lar. Haiz... cannot accept

2 ppl were being rather sugary so we decided to dao them... haha

Yuqin the pangseher pangsehed us on the way bak so joanna yiyi yj n i walked to HC (highsch) busstop n we went home! WHEEEEEeeee

I gossiped with yongjie on the bus... its like how we used to gossip last time lar. So 温馨 lar. So Og29 can u pay attention to wad i beg of u guys and gals?

29 4EVER!

Its takes 27 hands to clap...

*** i din buy mine there XD

By, ^2

Monday, March 17, 2008
11:12 PM

the guaikia ME (of course :D) listened to our dear yongjie, and here i am, posting!! like FINALLY. after some uhhhm ENLIGHTENMENT by yj and yiyi (DONT LAUGH), i finally found out how to post! HAHA FINE.

haha. so anws hope everyone's doing well!! been really long since we gathered as a group le :( haha and some ppl say i look like i'm not close to og liao :O oh mannn haha. i still love you guys okay! haha so yup take care everyone! catch up soon okay!!!!


10:58 PM

hmm, i'm thinking very hard, about what to post...

let's have a random post


actually, how do you people find 灵感 for blog posts?
let me share my way first, then maybe you people can try to follow and develop your own style, so the blog can truly be alive!

firstly, i'll see if there's any information that i want to pass down, if got, i'll type it out first, then decide where to put it much later

secondly, i'll recall what happened to me this few days, and reflect about those events, how i feel about the event, and how i feel the event should have been carried out or something like that

next, i'll read what i've written and bored myself to death, so i'll look for interesting quotes or funny jokes, and insert them in between

oh ya, as always, i'll try to edit the stuff i've written to make it as niao as possible, or as lame as possible, or something like that


anyway, just post something here, to let people know you are still alive
or share similar stuff as what i've shared
or tell us about your holiday


random joke (sorry if repeated):

what did the opium do to the chinese?
it made the Chinese High



Sunday, March 16, 2008
10:32 PM


finally uploaded all the photos of the outing, have fun going through the pictures, and emo over how much fun some of you missed, lol


this is the first group photo we took, if you people haven't realize yet, it's a reflection, at first, while walking towards the underpass, 11 was like saying, "let's take a photo and say that the rest are walking behind slowly, and thus were not in the picture... to make everyone else jealous"

look at all the weird expressions, lol

lol, here's a quite different photo, can you guess who's in the picture? yes, she's none other than our lian jie, but look super different from this angle right?

omg, teeth so white and 整齐

the initial purpose of this photo is to delay the tkd people, lol, but ended up we managed to take one more photo further down the trail

arms all over the place, lol


random quote

"damn, I hope God knows I don't believe in him....."



2:21 AM

sorry people, haven't got time to upload the photos(partly due to laziness also), i will try to do so later today

for now, let's enjoy some random youtube videos


"Being Gay" Commercial

Breathing Commercial

David Blaine Street Magic: YouTube Edition!

lazy to paste paste embed link, go click the links yourself, lol
David Blaine Street Magic Part 2
David Blaine Street Magic Part 3


yay, more people posting liao, continue the trend!



Saturday, March 15, 2008
7:45 PM

hello i just found an extremely zai 三字经. dun mind it hor

人之初:at the beginning of life,
性本善:sex is good.
性相近:Basically, all the sex are the same.
西相远:But it depends on how you do it.
苟不教:If you do not practise all the time,
性乃迁:Sex will leave you.
教之道:The way of learning it,
贵以专:is very important to make love with only one person.
养不教:If your children don't know how to do it,
父之过:it is your fault.
教不严:If they have lots of problem with it,
师之惰:their teacher must be too lazy to tell them about the details of sex
子不学:You may refuse to study this,
非所宜:but that is a real mistake.
幼不学:If you don't learn it in childhood,
老何为:you will lose your ability when aged.
玉不琢:If you don't exercise your Manhood,
不成器:it won't become hard and strong.
人不学:If you don't learn sex,
不知义:you can by no means enjoy its sweetness


4:21 PM

Yay i'm finally back guys ^^ heh YLTC was GREAT and the only bad part bout it was that i missed OG outing T.T hmmmm some DAMN interesting highlights of the camp:

1) On the first day the instructors (the seniors actually) dumped the clothes in a pile and mixed it (more like kicked it) around ^^ so we get 10 counts to grab all that we can and stuff them into the bags to survive the 5 day camp.. (main thing is all the zips in the bag gotta be closed or it wun be counted) so anywae the gurls ended up with 4 bags for 19 ppl O.o

2) Dorm check on day 1: the instructors found our dorm rm extremely dirty so they sorta clapped their hands twice and 3 instructors with pails full of soapy water magically appeared and started pouring the pails of water on the floor (it was flooded -.-)we weren't suppose to use newspaper, weren't suppose to kick the water out of the room, weren't suppose to use any other clothes.. so basically we only have 5 rags :) so at first we stupidly tried to sweep up the water with our hands and the pathetic 5 rags until the instructors finally prompted us... we were to clean up the water with our shirts!!! haha so when we asked if we can take off our shirts to clean the floor (it was a gurls dorm afterall..) they were like "how can u gurls be so indecent!" so we ended up rolling on the floor (literally) and soaking up the water with our shirt and pants (and not to mention hair. it was more effective than my shirt O.o)we needed like 900 counts in the end (which means 15 minutes of rolling in dirty and soapy water in the classroom). main pt: the guys did it in less than 300 counts coz they can take off their shirts -.- IRRITATING!! and they dorm rooms were sparkly clean somemore... argh

3) it was raining EVERYDAY of the camp so we ended up soaked in water for close to 18 hours a day >< at least kayaking was fun ^^

4) I LOST MY RETAINERS T.T (see pt 1 for reason) i'm so gg-ed :(

5) we didnt bathe at all for 5 days. a guy commented that i stink T.T ARGH i'm depressed :(

6) i slept 16 hours today!! YIPEEEEEEEE~ ^^

7) my voice is gg-ed. as if it wasn't deep enough -.- now i really sound like a guy :(

okay anywae i gotta go for ballet lessons le T.T AHHHHH ballet exam next thurs... wish me luck guys :D and i haven't touch homework at all -.- so gg-ed.. haizzzz oh well :P

bye guys cya soon ^^



12:01 AM

I had fun during today's outing? at least i hoped so. bleah only 8 ppl turned up. 1/3 of the number for our 1st outing. But i guess it can't be helped. every1 busy with their own stuff? The highlight of the outing was the cycling part, cuz i get to disturb yuqin. :D:D in fact disturbing yuqin is what makes some outings fun. So nxt time yuqin must go for more outings. And, some ppl(actually 1) act as catalysts in our OG. When they(the 1 person) comes, an additional group of ppl comes. Nxt time must force the catalyst to appear no matter what.

Thnx yongjie for tanking so many freaking posts. we must have a scoreboard at the end of the year. See who contributed the most number of posts


Friday, March 14, 2008
11:24 PM

og outing!


today og outing is super fun, i shall try to describe the whole outing from my point of view

for those who missed this outing, please try to control your sorrows, and not commit suicide when you find out just how much fun you missed


firstly, i reached paya lebar mrt at 9:15am, and stoned at the steps outside till around 9:50am then the second person, joanna, came. while waiting, i recieved sms from yuqin and yuyu saying that they will be late. then finally, at around 10:10am, yuqin, pohting, huishan and jonathan arrived, and we decided to go subway to eat first, yiyi arrived before we started buying, and yuyu arrived after we just finished buying our food

nothing much happened while eating. next, we went to ecp and started biking. nothing very special happened actually, just that we were trying to psycho pohting and yuqin not to go for tkd, and we also tried biking as far as possible, so by the time we bike back to the shop, it will be too late for them to go far tkd training, but they saw through our plan and we failed. we(huishan) took a lot of photos, i'll upload by tomorrow, hopefull

at around 1:30pm, the tkd people left, then the remaining 5 of us started walking back to pp to meet mingchong, planning to watch movie together later, but halfway through, yuyu called and said he left his shoe bag at the bike shop, so jon and huishan went back to take while yiyi, joanna and i continued to pp

at pp, we stoned for quite sometime till mingchong is done repairing his phone. and we tried to meet up with jon and huishan, who left for town after getting the shoe bag. we reached the bus stop and saw a 36 already there, but packed full of people, so we decided to wait for the next one, which took at least half a hour for some unknown reason. during the half hour wait, yiyi and joanna left, leaving behind me, mingchong and a random crasher

so we tried to meet jon and huishan, who are at shaw, but unfortunately, we don't know where shaw is, and we alighted at cine, and after considering the several factors, we decided to watch at cine, but the show timings are retarded, so we waited till 5:15pm for jiehui. then we stoned for a while, and walked to ps for dinner at bk.

after finishing our dinner, yuyu called and said he reached ps, so we met him at the yamaha music school, where we stoned for a while before moving on the stone at comics connection. after everything, we went home, lol


nothing much really happened today, the biking part was fun, but the rest of the outing is retarded, lol


i'm tired, really really tired, lol


lame joke:

what did a black cat say to a white cat?

sorry for the lousy joke, too tired to get a good one

Thursday, March 13, 2008
7:47 PM

But I must go back to school by 2/3pm luh >< SUCKS OK RAWRRRRRR.

You can donate money to me to pay for cab fare or sth so that I can spend longer time with the OG :D:D:D:D:D Okay anyway my holidays have been damn busy, math tuition everyday to catch up on H2 math cos i dropped H1. but H2 math very fun!! (: I <333333 TRIGONOMETRY!!! ZOMG. You can give me trigo questions and we can all sit down and do together!! BONDING ACTIVITY SO COOLIO.

Sorry my blog post sucks hahaah I post nicenice pickup lines/retarded jokes okayokayokay in the spirit of retardness that is OG29 (:

They integrated from the very point of origin. Her curves were continuous, and even though he was odd, he was a real number. The day their lines first intersected, they became an ordered pair. From then on it was a continuous function. They were both in their prime, so in next to no time they were horizontal and parallel.

She was awed by the magnitude of his perpendicular line, and he was amazed by her conical projections. “Bisect my angle!” she postulated each time she reached her local maximum. He taught her the chain rule as she implicitly defined the amplitude of his simple harmonic motion. They underwent multiple rotations of their axes, until at last they reached the vertex, the critical point, their finite limit. After that they slept like logs.

Later she found him taking a right-handed limit, that was a problem, because it was an improper form. He meanwhile had realized that she was irrational, not to mention square. She approached her ex, so they diverged.


shaaaaaan <3

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
8:50 PM

people, this is important, so pay attention and help pass the message

the details of og outing is on the right side, but i still need to confirm attendance, so if you are coming (at 10am or joining later), please send me a sms to inform me latest the night before the outing, so that i know who will be coming and can settle some stuffs



random stuff:

"Love Letter from Mathematician"

My Dear Love,

Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane. There I saw you with your cute circular face, conical nose and spherical eyes, standing in your triangular garden. Before seeing you my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude (likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.

My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me. The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity. I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions but if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity.You are as essential to me as an element of a set. The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality.

My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10. With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima, of an unknown function.

Yours ever loving,


Tuesday, March 11, 2008
11:35 PM

hmm, let's start with a random joke...


At school, a boy is told by a classmate that most adults are hiding at least one dark secret, and that this makes it very easy to blackmail them by saying, “I know the whole truth” even when you don’t know anything.

The boy decides to go home and try it out. As he is greeted by his mother at the front door he says, “I know the whole truth.” His mother quickly hands him $20 and says, “Just don’t tell your father.”

Quite pleased, the boy waits for his father to get home from work, and greets him with, “I know the whole truth.” The father promptly hands him $40 and says, “Please don’t say a word to your mother.”

Very pleased, the boy is on his way to school the next day, when he sees the mailman at his front door. The boy greets him by saying, “I know the whole truth.”

The mailman drops the mail, opens his arms and says, “Then come give your FATHER a big hug!”


this is going to be a random post...


today, i was hanging out with my primary school mates, we ate kfc and watch meet the spartans at cineleisure, played pool at paradiz, and ate bk at ps...

the movie is retarded, but quite nice actually, i have never believed that movie is a good choice for outing, but sometimes, watching a short and retarded movie gives people a lot of topics to talk about, so, my view towards movie for a group outing has somewhat changed a little, but i'll still try to avoid movie, as it is quite expensive and has few opportunities for interactions

pool is normal, we had ten people, so got two tables, played in teams of two, loser pair out and wait for the next pair of losers. this is the third consecutive day i'm playing pool liao, and i'm getting lousier each time, like how i used to get lousier at playing lan the more i play, lol

finally, the most fun part of the outing, dinner at bk, ps. by then, there's only eight of us left, four of us bought food, and finished in a relatively short time, and we started saying cold jokes, some really really cold ones, including some which i've posted here, and we also played lame games(those kind like the bang bang who died game), really had a fun time laughing together, this is the thing i really hope to get at outings...


enough of randomness, og outing this friday is brought forward to 10am, we will be meeting at paya lebar mrt, and "brunch" (which means breakfast and lunch combined, so please come without having breakfast, or you won't be able to have lunch), then we will go biking, like our first og outing, which seems like it's only yesterday, sometimes, it's really 岁月不饶人, so must really treasure our time together, as i was telling my band juniors just now...


in the end i still ended up randoming, nevermind, too sian liao, i shall make this post colourful, and i shall end it with another random joke


Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.
The teacher says, “Why are you arguing?”

One boy answers, “We found a ten dollar bill and decided
to give it to the person who tells the biggest lie.”

“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” said the teacher,
“When I was your age, I didn’t even know what a lie was.”

The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.


i was too lazy to put emoticons, so this post ended up looking full of text, sorry



12:10 AM


it's been a million years since i last posted. and i think i have only posted twice. haha sorry sorry.

anyway, the number of people at our og bench now is getting...pathetic. hai everyone lets make an effort to meet up by doing the simplest thing like going to the og canteen bench in the morning! although most of the time i will be rushing homework but just come la!

anddd i cant go for og outing :((((( so sad laahhhhh. i have been waiting damn long for an outing.

i went for huangcheng on sun and reached home at 1245am with my dad giving me a black face. :/ i did origami for my huangcheng friends, obviously i couldnt succeed making yongjie's rose. so i did a simple iris. lemme tell you what i did..

on sat i had the idea of making my own flower. so i went to the library to borrow books on origami. the sign on the shelves just didnt correspond with the books on the shelves which made me super pissed. sembawang library -.- and it took me super duper long like 1 hour plus to find the suitable books i wanted. so i happily borrowed them home. when i reached home, i stared at the book, and i realized i couldnt understand what the pictures were illustrating! i just couldnt visualize how a 3D thing will look like from a 2D picture! so i took 1 hour plus again to try and try and bu fang qi. great, spet 1 hour plus finding a book which i couldnt understd haha. in the end i decided to be smart and went online to look for origami videos. but wasnt that smart afterall cos i couldnt understand and follow the steps of the videos too. they were so fast and i always got lost half way. and i tried and tried looking for more videos, repeating the videos 10 times just to catch that very step. and ultimately i found a very good video which was specially catered for slow people like me. and haha guess what that took me 3 hours plus. and i started making my origamis at 9plus pm. and i did like 15 of them :) and i wanted to be more creative so i stuck the lollipop in the flower :) and i decided i wanted it to look more high-class so i went to get nice kind of dunno what paper you call it, those that you use to wrap bouqets. haha and i painstakingly cut them piece by piece, one by one wrapped them around my flowers which took me super long cos i was damn clumsy and i kept messing the thing up :/ haha but well i succeeded afterall! i shall post a photo of the final product :) now my cam is in my dad's pants which is in his room andt its 12.18am now so he's asleep and i cant get the cam out and i wonder why am i writing in such a weird way. haha. okay i have to wake up at 6.30am for interact camp tmr!!

i'm havin 2nd thoughts about being a childcare teacher. i realized that i only love kids below age of 4. (in singapore) india kids are sooooo lovable and sweet la even when they're 10 years old. because they cherish whatever they have so much and they;re just so pure and sincere :D because they're still so untainted and innocent. gosh la today's kids were damn scary. they spouted out vulgarities that i find it disgusting to say it ut of my mouth. and they look more polluted that i am lor. ah. hai what is this world coming to??!!!

sorry yongjie i didnt keep to my promise of posting during the weeekend cos i had interact stuff on saturday. haha and i got cip hours going to a condo club house place just playing wacko and tempo game and dancing ares fac dance to the children there. woooh. hahaha :D and sun was class gathering before huangcheng so.. sorry! but yes im posting now!

im really tired after surviving the day with the kids. really need to sleep haha. :D yay goodnight :)

love, niang <3

Monday, March 10, 2008
10:22 PM

Today is a lousy, stinky and rainy day. Coupled with the fact that for the whole day, i din feel like doing anything, so i ended up rotting at home. Results in a really lousy mood. I wouldn't mind if i had band everyday.

Anw, just to share a thought. Isn't interesting and intriguing to know that this whole world exists, due the very existence of human conscience? Everything would cease to exist if human conscience extinguishes like a candle flame.


1:09 AM

argh, sian, i didn't post on 9th mar, reached home too late, nvm, i shall make up for it


A widower who never paid any attention to his wife while she was alive now found himself missing her desperately.

He went to a psychic to see if he could contact his late wife.

The psychic went into a trance.

A strange breeze wafted through the darkened room, and suddenly, the man heard the unmistakable voice of his dearly departed wife.

"Honey!" he cried. "Is that you?"

"Yes, my husband."

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, my husband."

"Happier than you were with me?"

"Yes, my husband."

"Then Heaven must be an amazing place!"

"I'm not in Heaven, dear."


It was October and the Indians on a remote reservation asked their new Chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a Chief in a modern society he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like.
Nevertheless, to be on the safe side he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared. But being a practical leader, after several days he got an idea. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and
asked, "Is the coming winter going to be cold?"
"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold," the meteorologist at the weather service responded.
So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared. A week later he called the National Weather Service again. "Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?"
"Yes," the man at National Weather Service again replied, "it's going to be a very cold winter."
The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find. Two weeks later the Chief called the National Weather Service again.
"Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?"
"Absolutely," the man replied. "It's looking more and more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters ever."
"How can you be so sure?" the Chief asked.
The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy."


actually i've got a super horny joke, don't know whether you people will find it funny, nvm


sorry, i very tired, later need to wake up at 7, it's already 1:30 liao, 晚安



Sunday, March 9, 2008
4:30 PM

ITS HOLIDAYS!! YAY it's time for lots and lots of fun! :D

I went for huangcheng ytd! DAMN NICE. haha this is the fifth year im watching huangcheng already! although this year's show is not the best i've seen so far, it's still really really good and professional. And the props ROCK! yay sheila (and everyone in props) rocks haha the sets were just amazing la, like how do you even make them?! so PRO!

Anw, there's interact camp tmr, think its gonna be fun cos we'll be hosting the kids from various family service centres. haha but i seriously wonder how am i going to control the hyperactive kids and get them to do what they are supposed to do. i'll probably get bullied instead (as usual) haha.

OH OMG OMG. everyone go watch sky of love! it's this really nice jap movie thats both sweet and sad at the same time. typical teenage romance movie but its really nice (partly cos the actor had super super nice blonde hair HA!) But rembr to bring ur tissue when u watch that movie cos some parts are really SAD. oh and pray that u dont sit next to some super emotional ppl during the movie cos it really spoils the show. The woman sitting next to me during the movie was one of those inconsiderate/easily affected people and she totally wailed and cried (as if she's gonna break down any moment) even before the saddest part came. guess how annoyed i was! i was half hoping that her bf will just drag her out of the cinema but too bad he didnt. bet he must be damn embarassed though. haha. moral of the story: choose ur gf wisely.


12:45 AM

it feels damn sian to go for band on sunday at 10am. but i have no choice..concert on 23rd =\ sunday is like meant for sleeping in late and generally lazing ard the whole day la ><

and anw thnx yonjie for posting so often! this blog might just turn into your personal blog sometime not too far in the future :P this few weeks my life resembled a dreary litany, so i din feel like contributing to this blog. But nvm, its hols now. I will have plenty of free time to sit in front of computer. Maybe i'll try to blog every day. Selamat malam


Saturday, March 8, 2008
10:04 PM

Argh I'm guilty as charged for not posting in the blog for god-knows how long so i'll make up for it :D

AHHHHHH why og outing have to be on friday T.T i wan go de la!~ esp since i still manage to make it for 90% of og outings ^^ (i hope) haizzz maybe the oac peeps can join u guys after the camp??? argh but i'll prob be dead like a pig -.- oh well at least pigs are cute

yea and death note was great! (death note 1's still the best though >< a must watch) lol and i was surprised at how an impromptu outing can actually attract 8 ppl O.o seems like i still have some charm afterall :D ooops i meant *we* have some charm afterall :)

heh and since hs posted bout her trip i must publicise mine too!! yay i'll be going for a humanities trip on the first 2 weeks of june hols to US ^^ (argh please dun deliberately set an og outing during that time T.T) :D seriously dun need to send me off la (i know u guys can't resist LOL) but i wun mind a couple of ppl to help boost my ego though ^^

zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz back to preparing for yltc i guess o.o its freakin me out T.T think we'll get bombarded by the seniors as usual.. oh well.

9:07 PM

random post


Cow, Ant and Donkey are debating on who is the greatest among all three of them. So here it goes......

Cow argued, "I give 50 litres of milk every day and that's why I am the greatest! "

Ant replied, "I work day and night, summer and winter, I can carry 52 times my own weight and that's why i am the greatest! "




Friday, March 7, 2008
11:49 PM

super tired, just reached home after band practice...


this post may be a bit boring, as it will be about the band practice again...

today, there's a musical theory test for all c1 band member, including me. the paper is set by our student conductors and is very different from a normal theory test, i guess, as i've never taken a theory test before.

anyway, i was feeling lame and gave retarded answers. for example, the was one question where the note length is supposed to be 1/16, then i wrote 1/4^2, but i still got correct. then there was a question where you match musical terms on one side to the pictorial explanation on the other side with a line, in which, i drew line from one item, then all over the place going round and round, and then go to the other side, making it super hard to mark.

in the end, i still managed to pass, lol


too tired liao, ending post now, will upload photos of my test paper soon...


random joke

Anger management

Husband: "When I get mad at you, you never fight back. How do you control your anger?"

Wife: "I clean the toilet .."

Husband: "How does that help?"

Wife: "I use your toothbrush."



Thursday, March 6, 2008
11:50 PM

heyhey 29! just a short post..

sorry i haven't been spending time with you guys... huangcheng has been a wonderful experience so far... WHOOOO!!! i'm really glad i came to be a part of huangcheng. must observe the props closely k? (they're seriously gorgeous props hahah.) oh hweeyanne is in the publicity section! haha support us alright, go watch huangcheng! it's definitely worth it. btw all watching as an OG?

hmm anyways during the holidays i'm free (i quit OAC... due to lack of passion, sadly.. but nevertheless, all the best and JIAYOU 29 OAC peeps for the YLTC camp! we'll be supporting you all the way!) except for the first 3 days. hmm i still dunno when my make-up lessons are, so... see first ba?

take care! it's great that you guys enjoyed the movie :) enjoy cycling too! yiyi must come to reteach those who forgot how to cycle.. haha propro.


9:58 PM

third consecutive post


today, nine of us when to watch movie, got joanna, yuqin, eileen, valencia, yiming, mingchong, kanzy, jonathan and me.

at first, everyone except valencia and jonathan was waiting at the canteen, then we realized that it's quite late, so kanzy and i got forced to go buy ticket first...
however, both of us fell asleep and missed the stop, lol

nvm, less crappy stuff, anyway the movie is really nice, as compared to the two recommendations by our dear jonathan

two most memorable scene:
a professor injected himself with deadly virus inside a lab, and "plasma incineration" was activated with him inside to prevent spread of virus, as a result, he became chao da, super scary, must watch to really understand

another person got infected with the virus, and the eyes are totally red, then she cried, and blood rolled down the cheek instead, super zai

and finally, the scene after credits is a must-watch, if you missed that part, it is equivalent to missing the whole movie, as it totally rounds the entire series up, patching up all the logical loopholes and stuff...


my feelings...

it has been a while since i hang out with og people...
but i'm really glad i got the chance today, we must really hang out more, i will try to recover to my previous self and become a better og rep, lol

anyway, we must support each others, for example, go for dance nite, guitar concert, band concert, vote them for the council election, etc...

i'm really happy!


random pictures - things to do before you die...

click each one to enlarge and see



Wednesday, March 5, 2008
8:33 PM

i shall tank a while, until people start posting again


hmm, i shall ego a bit...

today at band practice, i am praised over my senior...
at start of every practice, the conductor needs to get the band playing in tune with each other...
so, today is the same, after warm-up, the conductor started tuning us...
everything is normal until saxophone section...

when it's our turn, he asked me to play the tuning note first, then ask my senior beside me to play, and commented that his tone is different from mine, and he continued down the section...
after everyone played, he said that i has the tone he wants, and asked the whole section to go outside, and come back only when "there are seven copies of yongjie's tone"...
am i zai or what? lol...

so actually, in the morning i go mug saxophone got use one... but i'm still feeling very guilty for not being able to...

sorry of being ego... it makes me feel happy for a while... a short while... before all the troubling issues come flooding back into my head again...

tone: quality of sound produced on the instrument


~qian4 bian3 joke~

One day, the most gorgeous girl ever lived is walking alongside the most handsome, macho, hunky, talented and smart guy currently alive.

Suddenly, the guy fell, what did the girl say?
"Yong Jie, are you alright?"


~short story~

A son and his father were walking on the mountains.

Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain,"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"

And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"

Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"

He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."

"Your life is not a coincidence. It's a reflection of you."



Tuesday, March 4, 2008
7:14 PM

people, cannot let og blog die!
must make sure you post at least once a week, about anything, can be your week in school, random joke, short and interesting story, pictures of yourself doing something, anything!


i shall talk about how's my week...
this week is totally sian, pw and gp tutorials are total waste of time, we meng dao our tutor, and she couldn't do anything.
ct atmosphere not the same since 20th feb, whenever i look at the empty seats, i feel a sense of loss.
and i try to make myself numb by mugging, and i failed terribly.

but next week shall be better, coz we having og outing again!
also, by next week, i'll settle the regular dinner/lunch thingy, so, look forward to it!


let's have a random joke...

what do you get if you ignore an orange?
methyl orange (me dao orange)


hmm, seriously, keep the blog alive!
trash the ct that will win the blog competition, show them how we blog with passion!


let's have a random quote...

"What happens if you get scared half to death... twice?"


let's have a random picture... (nc16)


seriously, blog more!
blog about anything!


~og29 forever~

Sunday, March 2, 2008
11:05 PM

Hey everyone here are my flight details haha :D Ehhhh come t the airport if you can okayokay (: Or. Uh, go for Joanna's Dance Night! EITHER WAY, GO FOR EITHER ONE :D HAVE OG OUTING!!! HAHAHA as Joanna said, we must last until August okay, so this is an excuse for you guys to all come down and uhhh have OG outing. (AT AIRPORT. AIRPORT ROCKS K) :D


Departing 1st August 2008,

From Singapore Changi Airport (SIN)
To New York JFK Airport (JFK)

SQ 26 leaves SIN 23:50;
arrives FRA (Frankfurt) 06:30 (+1day)
Leaves FRA 08:30 (+1day);
arrives JFK 10:45 (+1day)

Departing 14th August 2008,

From New York JFK Airport(JFK)
To Singapore Changi Airport (SIN)

SQ25 leaves JFK 21:05;
arrives FRA 11:15 (+1day)
Leaves FRA 12:35 (+1day)
arrives SIN 06:35 (+2days)

.. which means I arrive in Singapore on 16 August 2008 (:

Hui Shan

12:22 AM

HEY OG29(:

haha paiseh i haven't blogged here for a really really really long time >< and we haven't had any outings or gatherings for quite awhile already. but nvm, march hols coming soon, we try to meet up k? (: they were talking about having a bbq or smth right.

ANYWAY. this is very rushed, but who can make it for NANYANG DANCE NIGHT on 1 AUGUST? :D its a friday night, tickets at 20, 40 and 60 bucks, and its at esplanade. i know 1 august is still far far away, but you guys have to let me know by monday cos i have to reserve tickets by then. >< come on la, go as an og! this is to ensure that the og is still together by august lor, haha. PLEASE COME WATCH OKAY T.T you guys can get the 20 bucks tickets if you want. it'll be really sad if no one went ): and hey, its at esplanade leh, ESPLANADE OKAY. hahaha i'm like begging you all to go.

hm ok i'll end off here ba. dunno what else to say, i suck at blogs and things like this >< bye(:
