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Thursday, February 28, 2008
10:52 PM

i went for aphelion nite, with 4b07...
but nonetheless, the main purpose is to see pt and karlton dance!
and i also took a video for them dancing, but quality super lousy...
will upload soon...
that's all for now, tomorrow got band pract till very late...
must sleep early...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
8:49 PM

hey people...
there will be an og outing in the march holidays...
99.99% sure...
planning underway...

currently, i intend to have a bbq, as suggested by many of you people, however, the problem is, don't know where to go...
so if you live in condo, please volunteer your house...
also, if going bbq, then obviously need $$, so be prepared...

for plan b, if really cannot find any place for bbq, then we shall have a picnic...
maybe at botanics garden, lol...

anyway, for now, please go and confirm your holiday plans with your family, check your holidays practice with your cca leaders, and basically find out your holiday schedule, so when i ask whether you guys are free or not, you guys can give a definite answer, not like now...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
8:41 PM

damn i still had stuff in that previous post. but stupid blogger got prob. keep on deleting that part in the middle. Probably hannah concocting some black magic to prevent me from badmouthing her o_0

8:24 PM

im back after a long and drawn out sojourn (: but im back, nevertheless. Dun give up on this blog people! Remember when we said about our og lasting beyond our a'lvls?

I ponned Fac Dance competition and song and dance... Loser me who felt sian with ct la ><>< its just my personal opinion ya?) Or, to put it in another way, i was too nice to ask her to f*** off. At first it was only locking arms, and that only warranted me running over her with a lorry 20 times. Then she suddenly grabbed my hand (ahem in those gf-bf way) and claimed that its easier to hold. From then on, i could only picture myself ripping off her skin, drawing out her guts, extracting all her lipids( euphemism for fats), beating her alr seemingly swollen face, and plummeting her from tian tang 100 times. Lucky no1 else other than my classmates saw the spectacular sight. They were guffawing and rolling on the grass with laughter. I had this stunned face, while our dear hannah was oblivious to it all. I tried my best to run off each time a big group of spastic and retarded holding hands came over to kick the spherical object, but miraculously, she bashed her way through the crowd each time to find me pathetically trying to cower behind them. Needless to say, it was the most revolting experience of my life. I should have stayed in the bandroom to play cards.

bleah ok that was a lil exagerrated, but it was really disgusting for me. once again, paiseh to those who have nothing against hannah. Just take it that im a little paranoid boy who's mean and nasty to a nice girl >< no sarcasm there i promise. :P


Monday, February 25, 2008
10:06 PM

hello people...
just wanted to share my feelings today, about O2 and POP...


my ct, s66, got chem test followed by math test, both of which i flunked, lol...
next, is the O2...
my ct got 2 new o level people joining, so we did self-introduction again, which was quite redundant...

finally, we moved on the games, we started with the crown thing at hall, but everyone just daoed the game, we just played for the sake of playing, no one really cares whether we win or lose, and the spirit is totally nothing compared to our og...

then we continued onto games like minefield, soccer, medic thingy...
all of which we daoed like mad...
our ct got 25 people, around 10 people pon the o2, lol...

after dinner was POP...
during the songs and dance session, i recalled how i niaoed yuqin how short she is when i danced with her by giving her a super high high 5, and remembered how we sang the songs together...


i feel super guilty for not joining u all in the morning...
will do so tomorrow, but need to leave for band...

Sunday, February 24, 2008
1:17 AM


Wednesday, February 20, 2008
10:48 PM

sorry people...
yuqin wants to cancel the stayover...
too little people...
so no point...

but fret not...
i'll think of something...

btw, i sort of feel relieved seeing the comments that the new skin look not bad...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
11:30 PM

hey people
i changed the blog design
everything is roughly the same
only that the couple at the top really suits our og
also, i added the notice tab a the side, so people organizing activities can update details there
sorry if you really don't like the design
change back if you want
if you can

oh ya
i created a photobucket
details same as this blog
go upload your photos there

10:57 PM

WAH 3rd consecutive post haha. now i know how yj, yiyi and jon feel organising all these haha. anws latest details is fri after schl, 4pm at my house. dinner + mahjong+ cards + crap+ sleepover for those who can :D (i think we gotta wake up early. the busybee me got smthn on in the aftrn. heh paiseh. you all can move on to jon's house after that haha!)

those staying so far: me(DUH), eileen, joanna, jon, yj, yiming(?).
those coming but not staying: niang, kanzy(?)
those unsure: oonbeng, karlton, yuyu, yiyi, pt, mingchong

yup yup ppl. so tolong tolong please try to make it! ages since a proper gathering(okay actually we had one on new year haha) yup! and i know i left out ppl in the smsing chain cos i uh..had limited smses hehe. so valencia, valerie, jiayee, hwee yanne, sheila, sharlene, eugene, jiehui, etc i'm so sorry! if you see this please also tell me your decision!! hehe xie xie :D


Monday, February 18, 2008
11:17 PM

ehhh seems like alot of ppl having stj on sat like me! haha so ehhh is friday a better choice? haha i'm fine with it too lar. after schl lor haha. den i'll change my friday booking to sat haha. so yes cast your votes ppl. this fri or sat? majority wins hor :D hehe (i just like this word okay ngyiyi. HEHE) :p


10:18 PM

YO people. ehhh about the gathering at my house this sat who can arh? cos i MAY have stj on sat. my class going sentosa haha. and i'll prob miss my stj dinner for you all. see i how nice :D haha so you all can only come my place at night/evening heh. haha so yeah you all can go out in the day first den at night meet at my place lor haha. but my stj not very very cnfrm lar so yeah just ask you all who free on sat? at least reply larh ppl. pretty pleaseeee :D haha thanks! goodnight!

<3 yuqin!

8:53 PM

Hmm... JAE posting results are out.... lets all hope that eugene can make it! wang jue dunnit to care ba... she so smart, jiehui's best friend in smtp class, cfm can make it de.

Im waiting for the 2nd orientation to come! I think we can join in right? (: Heard that council will let every1 play the 5 best games of orientation again. And lessons will end at 10! yay. The joy might be short-lived, but at least we lived for the moment. who cares about lectures and tutorials anyway. Our og have not met for a uber duper long time! Its time for an outing again. Dunno whether u ppl can make it anot. It might have to be an stayover though...

School's been really unkind to me, so nowadays i only look forward to the morning canteen gathering, break time, PE, CT session and after school. Maybe also band prac. I know some of u muggers out there actually like your lectures and tutorials right. Just admit it man. Ok run out of crap to write alr.


Sunday, February 17, 2008
10:37 PM

HOHO :D happy post vday people!! fellow swinging singles dont despair! we have each other :D HEHE. okay anws our dear jonathan yeo has reminded me to organise the meeting at my place. btw my house is at bukit panjang if you all dont know yet! haha you all are free to sleepover since my house will be completely empty haha. just that it's a little small heh. mahjong is definitely available for you fellow gamblers out there. 2 tables somemore! haha. sounds like an ad. so yup please indicate if you all are interested ba. better not dao me i tell you. i rarely organise all these one okay!! my house will be free from thurs to sun :) but it shld be booked already on thurs,fri and i've got stj on sun and a test on mon so i gotta STUDYYY:/ so yeah sat seems the most sensible choice haha. and we gotta leave by sun early aftrn at the latest :) haha so yup that shld be it. :D heh so if you all are okay with it den sat morn or aftrn ba. rmbr, DONT DAO THIS. hehe sms me or indicate on the blog if you all can ba! thankyou <3

good night!!


2:32 PM

Well, since love is in the air! LYRICS LYRICS (: I love this song, it's called Coffee by Copeland. Very very niceeeee. Anyway I missed you guys on Vday! :( Ohwel nevermind I had fun too.. stoning :D Hahaha sighhh. Thanks for the Vday presents everyone! I hope you liked the messages, I tried my best to write sweet messages for everyoneeeee (: btw, Jonathan wrote the messages for the girls so it's probably really retarded :D

There's so many things I have to say
I'll stay up all night to hear about your day
We do the best we can in a small town
Act like kids in love when the sun goes down

If it's not too late for coffee
I'll be at your place in ten
We'll hit that all night diner
And then we'll see

There's a love that transcends
All that we've known of ourselves
And I'll wait for it to come
I'll wait for it to come
Well it's got to be strong to touch my heart
Through its shell
And I'll wait for it to come
I'll wait for it to come

March holidays are coming in two weeks time and we should have a gathering (: Like a BBQ or something at someone's place (: Whoever stays in a condo hurry up volunteer your place (: I don't mind organising this! Okay I really need to stop procrastinating, my history essay = GG. Minimum 4 pages, I'm currently at 3pages + 3lines. Go me (: Anyway, it's been a long long time (it seems) since we had a proper OG outing. I miss the ECP days! :D

I've econs t study toooo sigh kthxbye

12:30 AM

Life is a song, love is the music. Dun u all think this line is very meaningful?
Anyway, this post will be on the theme of love. to complement the valentine's day that has just passed. also to try to stimulate some of u into posting?

Love and Friendship met one day.

Love asked, "why do you exist?"

Friendship answered, "to put a smile where you leave tears."

Then Love asked again, "well, if that's what you do, how come there are still many people crying?"

Friendship said, "it''s my fault. instead of doing my job, I sometimes end up doing yours."

Just to share this story... Found it rather meaningful too. Goodnight to the world (:


Saturday, February 16, 2008
12:17 AM

Ok, got nothing much to post. But I see the blog like 2 days nobody post liao, so must post something. Can't let it die la! All of you damn cruel la.. unwilling to save our beautiful creation. Erm.

Yea.. anyway, we had a nice Valentine's Day outing on Valentine's Day! Wow! We met at fishtank, where we sorta exchanged mass gifts (just think chocs and sweets), and I got jealous of the girls' presents, especially Niang who had like 3 big bags (including a bolster with her name, a water dispenser, a loudspeaker, a fat ram called bam, and a DAMN nice origami folded by someone cool). Haha i got damn jealous la.. But oh well, that wasn't the point

So anyway, we proceeded to make the rather long journey to Yiyi's house, where somewhere along the way our dear Yuqin and Oon Beng left us. Oh ya.. going to Yiyi's house quite dangerous... have to cross this road where all the cars are quite fast..

After the long and arduous and sian journey there.. we finally reached his house, and proceeded to.... STONE! Lol.. couldn't believe it.. People just started plonking themselves on the couch and refused to move. Then we played 2 rounds of mahjong where Yiyi and I both won one round (haha too bad cardqueen and gambling king =P), then played some cards. Lianjie, niang and Yuyu were engaged in a discussion all by themselves and Mingchong and Yiming were sorta like playing songs... That was until Valerie and I left... but I heard the rest ate pizza and stoned.. so guess we didnt' miss anything much .. haha XD

Um.. ok yea THANKS to everyone who gave me Valentine's Day gifts, even though they were mass gifts and I know little effort/thought were put into them, I shall still appreciate/treasure your gifts. Haha... thanks, and to all who received my gifts (not the mass one), hope you all liked them! (:

Btw, there's a White Day, on14th March, when guys are supposed to give white chocolates or marshmallows (hence the name) to girls who gave them gifts on Valentine's Day. Then there's also a Black Day on 14th April, for people like me who are single! (:


Tuesday, February 12, 2008
9:50 PM

omg im damn bored now so YAY I SHALL BLOG!

It has been one month and 9 days since we all met! So much have happened since the start of school-- lots of fun, lots of outings, lots of laughter, lots of friendship, lots of lame games, lots of stupid stuff done, lots of scandals, lots of gossip, lots of everything. Seriously our og is damn happening as compared to other ogs. 29-ers are CRAZY PPL! haha

die tmr is x-country! HOW HOW HOW. i dont feel like running la. now whenever i run, i get damn scared that im going to fall down and get another big and ugly scar on my legs. eeeeeeee. but then again, running=losing weight, so i shall persevere on. COMEONE EVERYONE, WE SHALL RUN FAST TMR TO GET RID OF ALL THE FATS FROM CNY GOODIES! yay :D

anw. thanks to valencia, im addicted to this wo bu pei by jay chou. nice song :)

这感觉 已经不对 
是我忽略 你不过要人陪
这感觉 已经不对 
是我忽略 你不过要人陪
这感觉 已经不对 
是我忽略 你不过要人陪


Sunday, February 10, 2008
9:35 PM


i feel so sian now...
went to malaysia from new year's eve, just reached home around 3am today, and have yet to complete a single tutorial...

wanted to join the og today, but too late, i guess...
so i went school alone, mug the saxa for like 3 hours, then go ps alone, walked around looking for gifts for around 2 hours, then finally, i went to library and stoned for 2 more hours, lol...

i'm such a irresponsible ogr...
anyway, what is happening to our og dinners? i think we should have some scheduled og events, like a og dinner on friday every fortnightly or something like that... i'll try to fix something out, so just wait a while for the moment...

hmm, should we like gather this weekend, then go everyone's house 拜年(random suggestion, just dao)? coz malaysia's 红包very small...

i seriously feel like uploading some of the photos...
but i shall keep them for now, as requested by someone...
oh ya, if you can't wait and want the photos, you can pass me a 512mb thumbdrive or anything bigger, i've already named the photos according to people inside, and group the photos according to dates and activities (something that i did, as the irresponsible ogr, lol)...

nothing more to say...
og29 4eva

Saturday, February 9, 2008
10:33 AM

Hi guys, I am stuck at home these days and couldn't make my own decisions. Sought my parents' permission to go out with you guys but since we are visiting relatives today, I can't make it. Next I sought for my dad's permission to go for a swim at my friend's condo but he told me "next time bah". Then I asked if I could go down for a jog and what he told me was that the weather was hot, find another day.

It's not that I want to seek my parents' permission all the time but they always pester me of my whereabouts whenever I want to go out. Going to the neighbouring bookshop to purchase some stationeries was also a problem.

Anyway, hope you guys have enjoyed the 2 days off school *_* I did not truly enjoy myself though T_T

-Sad Kid イリミネートー (10 more days to the release of posting results)

12:25 AM

argh.. i see every1 posting about how they are eagerly anticipating the og outing. and im not even sure i can go o_0 just asked my mum, and she flatly refused. even my usually kind and generous dad said no ): Im thinking of sneaking out of the house again. Although if i stay over the implications might be worse then a nuclear fall-out. Tml got all my relatives spamming my place the whole day. Maybe i can get out among the chaos. (:

Haiz, i still have alot of hw to do.. lit 2 page essay =/ CNY=to lots of fun=undone hw=gg


Friday, February 8, 2008
10:09 PM

hello people!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! woohoo been out non stop these few days hehe. looking forward to tmr! haha and and..I'LL BE IN A DRESS AND HEELS. omg okay laugh ppl. LAUGH. haha "YUQIN IN A DRESS. HAHAHHA" yes that's the response i always get haha! dress/skirts and heels are like a yearly affair for me okay. only during cny when i'm forced to wear :/ haha! so yeah no choice gotta wear those to huishan's place first cos i'm leaving for my aunt's house for dinner until 10 plus den going maytan's house, in yck also, to play mahjong(no choice larh they need kaki :D) hehe den coming back to join you all. which..will be damn late. so please prepare not to sleep people! WAIT FOR MEEEEEE :D hehe will be ard past midnight? hehe paiseh larh :) if too late for you all den i guess i wont go :( haha okay okay enough of crap! cya guys tmr den! gongxifacai! <33!

yuqin :D

12:50 PM

Here's wishing everyone a VERY HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Hope you people get lots of fun visiting all your relatives and friends! (: Can't wait to meet all of you at the outing tomorrow! (:


10:34 AM

Happy CNY people!~~ =)

haha while ppl are bai1-ing nian2 i'm here at home stoning. sad. which is why i decided to be a nice gurl and blog!~ YAY! By the way, not to brag or anything :D, but I just won $50 at blackjack!~ HAHA its extra angpao money :) (considering my angbao money is < $80 T.T) bleh thats the card queen for u ^^

Yay looking forward to the long-awaited og outing!! :D bleh and is it my imagination or are more girls actually staying over than guys??! -.- gosh and no offense but jon, i dun think anybody trusts u when u organise outings already.. haha just leave it to hs ok? :D

just ran out of words to say. oh well i dun tok much in the first place :D enjoy CNY while it lasts! (while i sit and rot and die at my laptop.... okay touchwood)

eileen ^^

Thursday, February 7, 2008
7:55 PM

happy lunar new year everyone. :)
I can't wait for Saturday. Can go out with OG and play. :D Seriously other than red packets and skipping school, I don't really like new year. It's freaking crowded everywhere and i have to put on a mask when i visit others. I have to wish some people "HAPPY NEW YEAR" when i seriously don't like them. (i was thinking, "If you give me too little in the red packet i hope u gg". haha, i'm too realistic.) I don't even wish to see their face how can you expect me to be happy?
Oops, i think i shouldn't be dampening the celebration spirit. Faster saturday, come faster. I WANT TO GO OUT!

1:55 AM

I think we had our OG reunion lunch today. At least i thought so. Got me yiming yuyu mc jiehui niang (VIP) Vanessa and eileen... We went to 5 star hainanese chicken rice! I give 5 stars for it!

Not for the food of course... for their high tech service. They must be the 1st chicken rice stall in singapore to use PDA's to record down orders for bai zhan ji and so on. Lunch wasn't all that satisfying.. cuz i had to contend with 2 dreamy and happy girls sitting opposite me. No names mentioned. Kind of put things into perspective ain't it? I felt at the other end of the spectrum.

Anw, i have this foreboding that this blog is going to turn into my personal blog sooner or later. I contribute like... a overwhelming majority of the recent posts lor :P OG29=me. me = 29. Pardon my crapping. Today wasn't really a great day. Plus im still awake at 2am. And my keyboard is damn freaking loud.

Ehhh jon yeo your hse got what stuff to do. Dun tell me we go there whole day from day to night to the next day play mahjong and play cards and stone. that will be like. wtf!? We must play fun board games like monopoly!:D:D this is partly due to the fact that i just owned at a game of monopoly. We can also play hide and seek in jon's hse. Can hide certain ppl in the storeroom and lock them up. ( To those whom it may concern, im sure u know what im referring to) :P Secretive la. Our OG is so full of secrets, it permeates the air. Therefore i must add to the ambience by creating more secrets, really spices up the atmosphere eh? I mean, it must feel terribly wonderful and enjoyable when ppl around you whisper.. and give you furtive looks. Makes me feel so secure and involved in everything :D

Ok. Joke of the day... Why does yiyi like to play soccer? Cuz he like Justea! HAHAHAH omfg thats damn funny. Laugh every1! zomg my sides are aching now. That was really humourous. Although there are unexplained drafts of cold air all around the place now... hmmm one wonders why.

Happy CNY every! Collect more angbaos so next time OG outing we wun suffer from the economic phenomenon otherwise known as collectiveness brokedness!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
6:46 PM

hello haha happy new year people!
omgggg i m so broke i need hongbaos i need i needddd
anyways right the so called nxt gathering is on this saturday.below are the details

og29 cny's gathering
saturday 9th feb
time: 12pm (?!?!??!? not confirmed yet)

meeting place: chua chu kang mrt ?? (not confirmedd, mostprobably?)

people coming

eugene (not confirmed yet)
yuyu (not confirmed yet)
valarie(not confirmed)


eh eh and got stayover tooooo wanna stayover can stayover till sunday i think!

people staying over

mingchong (can play till 1-2 plus)
niang (not confirmed)
yuyu (not confirmed)
yiyi (?!?!?! dont know)

not asked yet / not coming

not free - yong jie , jiayee, hwee yanne, eugene

not asked yet - david, renjie, zhiyi the retard, wang jue, sharlene (someone help me ask them???)

see yall there k (:

Monday, February 4, 2008
10:19 PM

I feel sad for the people who missed the og reunion dinner tonight la. It was a night of fun and unadulterated enjoyment. The great camaraderie, the festive mood, the tears of joy, it was a sight to behold. Attended by numerous luminaries such as yours unreservedly, our eminence the great leader khoo yongjie, the melodious radio stations of mingchong and jiehui, it was without doubt, the most magnificent event to happen in the past century. Of course, our most noble and honoured jon yeo made a guest appearance later on.

Lets talk about the adrenaline pumping prelude. We watched numerous people flitting past us while we gave out some last minute invites to party goers... i assumed that while they were going home to get dressed for this extravaganza, they lost their way. So it was left to the 3 most revered sages, me, yongjie and mingchong. We made a grand tour of the school, ended up at the banner painting area as we wanted to make a surprise visit to yongjie's ct who were painting their.. ahem explicit and uncensored banner. Of course, while yongjie mingled around with his friends, mingchong took out his chemistry imperial edict, and proceeded to complete it. I went on a pleasurable journey to lala-land, had fun, and woke up to much pomp and fanfare. Jiehui was joining us! We are now the 4 heavenly KINGS!

Moving on, while we traversed the rocky terrains and terrifying slopes of the school, we ended up at the fish tank, to wait for our beloved TYM. After much waiting, we decided to proceed without him. After all, he could have flew to Coro on his magic carpet.

Lo and behold! Yiming was indeed at Coro, sitting with his all important CT. Whats half and hour of waiting compared to his dear CT friends! Of course, the 4 heavenly kings sat down and began to feast heartily on the golden fried fish and tantalizingly crispy chicken. Coupled with the steaming and aromatic BBQ sauce, it was like food from the heaven. Of course, we must give tribute to the restaurant, Golden Phoenix.

Alas, all that was to be good was not to be, the clash of the titans came. The 4 heavenly kings, who was green with jealousy that TYM was enjoying the time of his life with his CT, made some snide comments, with the intention to erupt the volcano in TYM's heart. Things didn't go too well, and soon both sides were taking broadswipes at each other.

Skip............. Peace at the end of the day! We patched up our differences.. hopefully. Key word being hopefully. Actually i just lazy to type so much crap. Jiayou to all those who still have lots of hw and maybe tests to mug for. I dun have any work to do, and all im waiting for is CNY. I have pe tml, followed by 2 hour break, 1 lecture, 1 half hour break, 1 more lecture. And its FREEDOM! whooooooooooooooooo. anw yiming, no offence la. this is just random crap from me.

yours faithfully, yiyi

6:33 PM

OG29 is GONE

5:24 PM

today was a stoning day. seriously the medication that i took (for my wound) made me damn drowsy la! i felt like a zombie when i walk around the school the whole day.. so sorry if i daoed anyone unknowingly. well, i didnt know that my wound was that serious until i went to the doctor.so now its infected and i just have to guai guai take my medicine and er.. wait for it to hopefully heal by itself :/

ANW. this weekend was a busy one. had interact orientation (which was rather sian), tons of hw to finish, bio test to mug and not forgetting WATCHING MY DARLINGS AT J8 :D they are really DAMNNNNNNNNNNN SHUAIIIIIIIIII. omg. please dont say that they are old or that they cmi k! at least not in front of me. yay i was so happy ytd cos of the autograph session and i actually get to see them FACE-TO-FACE and i stood just 50 cm away from them! <333

im looking forward to cny! angpaos :D

12:26 AM

HI ALL! Im back from Netherlands! Haha it was a damn fun trip, fun conference, good shopping, and lots of chio-bus to look at. ^^ (for the gals, dun feel jealous, ok?) Anyway... bought quite a lot of stuff back for you guys to indulge and enjoy, and I'll be bringing them to school on Tuesday (cos I'm bringing the stuff for my CT on monday, sry la, CT session on Monday, easier to do). Anyway, feel happy, ok? I missed all of you during my trip! (:

OH ya, I guess I'll have to apologise first cos some ppl's presents are better than other ppl's. Cos I just can't buy like 20+ good stuffs.. will go broke -.-" As it is, out of the 12 students who went, I spent the most amount of money (about 350 euros, which translates to S$700 ._.) Never knew i could shop so much.. haha.. Anyway, I bought better stuff for those who wished me bon voyage last Sat (you know who you are). Those who don't have, DUN FEEL SAD! I LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME! Haha and I bought something special for the OG as a whole! (:

Oh ya.. have lots of interesting stuff to say and exciting photos to show, so visit my blog in some time to see them! ^^ (shameless advertising, but whatever)

Haha.. hope you guys are still the same as when I left! Scared later tomorrow I go school then feel very left out or something -.-" Hmm... anyways, cya guys tomorrow! And OG 29 forever!


Sunday, February 3, 2008
10:45 PM

Someone must enjoy savage pleasure from watching me go to the toilet more than 10 times in a day. Either that, or i might have just eaten the most dangerous biological weapon in human history. Anyway.. i think i can memorise and spot the intricate differences in my toilet's floor tiles alr. Feels rather surreal and refreshing at the same time. The time is now 10.50, my ILP is still undone. No worries, my group can probably finish the whole thing in 1 hour. Simplicity is complexity in itself :D thats my guiding principal in life.

Anyway (again), i just read some random class blogs ( 03a12 ). its really quite amazing how a group of ppl can still stick together 5-6 years after they have left school. Although the blog posts are rather sporadic.. like 1 post in 3 months.. its still nice i suppose. Wonder if we can emulate them?

I think this blog is dying alr ): fewer and fewer posting.. and its the same ppl posting over and over again. Nvm, we shall keep up the optimism. Maybe everyone is just tired, lazy, busy with school work, or just not as slack as me.


12:59 AM

こんばんわ。Haiz... finally found the login information under "spam mails" -.- Why is the blog so frozen anyway?

Haha! It's the first time I am staying up till such a late hour for this year. Just posting for fun. Spam post perhaps? Went for STJ today at Fish and Co. Nothing special. Food is very expensive and does not taste good after many bites; It's just nice only for the first few bites.

Well, slighting more than 2 more weeks before posting results are out. Hope to stay in HCI! However, I'm not sure if I should stay in the same class. There's a "gay" bully here who I am trying to avoid. HELP! HELP! May consider taking up tri-science also.

As for economics ILP, I wonder if you guys always do things last minute because now is like reaching deadline but everyone is like so relaxed. I used to complete projects 1 week in advanced though. You guys don't feel kan chiong meh?

CNY celebration is nearing... considering whether or not to bake some kuehs. It's like so fun!

Anyway... I hate reaeding newsweeks. Argh! Forcing myself to digest the information. Still need to prepare for oral presentation. Still have many stuffs to do.

Haiz, I supposed that's all for now. さようなら!

12:53 AM

Hey People, It's Your Very Responsible OGR Once Again!

hmm, valentine approaching soon...

wonder who in the OG will be the one receiving/giving the most flowers, hehe...

anyway, i feeling super random, so i did a check on the smiles system to see who has created an account, results are as follows:

me! (how else would i be able to check, but i may also be ordering flowers, hehe)
hui shan (expected)
jonathan (same as above)
and more importantly, our OG guai girl: poh ting (oh my, i seriously seriously wonder...)

hmm, for an OG as scandalous as ours, i think this number is very saddening, *sob*, so people, go create your account now and start ordering your flowers (lol, i doing advertising), go yiyi, 愚禽 is waiting for you, lol...

oh ya, niang, i very poor, maybe i'll make some origami rose for you, any people interested in learning how to fold origami rose can look for me (oon beng, want to make some for your "mum"?), but it is really hard, took me few hours to manage to make one (btw, i just learned yesterday, lol, for my dear niang)

hmm, that's about all for my randomness,

OG29 4eva... lonely lonely...

Friday, February 1, 2008
12:07 AM

zzz yongjie dun be so mean to yuqin la. She so nice, my dear wifey leh. Dun say ppl PRO ok. She doesn't charge a single cent( at least when she's with me ) :P Although im supposed to be doing work now, im in a super "un-mugger" mood today. Just felt like slacking the whole day away. I guess this weekend no OG outing): 1st weekend without OG outing. Cuz of the wonderful, marvelous and beloved ILP(I love projects). Dun we all love it? I mean, its such a useful way to spend our time, and we are all so passionate and crazy about econs. Of course we would love to use demand and supply to analyse the drop in attendance at HK Disneyland. Its our favourite pastime. In fact, we could be doing ILP for the rest of our lives. Now u know what they mean when they say, "carp diem". Oh man, im dreading the monday blues alr. Cuz we all KNOW there's a SIGNIFICANT event happening right? We will be wetting our pants in excitement and anticipation.